Sunday, 12 June 2011

Found the Thumdrive!!

. . . with a Morse code image file on it. I don't know Morse code, so I went and found the Morse code translator machine that Dr. Cairo put up on his Youtube video "Basic Codes" which I found very helpful. Never know when Luka's gonna decide to write some weird code on the wall in a motel room or something. He actually wrote one the other day, which I have deciphered just recently. It wasn't even a code really. It was just a bunch of scribbles, with random letters placed here and there. It turned out to be an anagram, and it translated to "FRIEND". I'll put up the morse code to see if any of you guys can translate it. I don't have time to input the code into the translator right now - we can't spend all our money on motels, and we need food, so we're leaving to see if we can find any more abandoned homes with high roofs.

-.-. --- -- .   - ---   ..- ... .-.-.-   -.. --- -. .----. -   .-. ..- -. .-.-.-   .-- .   .-- .. .-.. .-..   -.-. .- - -.-. ....   -.-- --- ..-   .. ..-.   -.-- --- ..-   .-. ..- -. .-.-.-



  1. I checked a random Morse code translator on Google. The sentence translates to: "COMETOUS.DON'TRUN.WEWILLCATCHYOUIFYOURUN." Watch out, HȺLLØWED. I think someone might be out to get you. I'd keep an eye on Luka as well if I were you.

  2. Oh, thanks UZUKI. I really appreciate that :D . . . fuck. There goes my sleep for the next few years. Guess I can't really run, now can I? But I have no other choice. I won't take it too seriously - I'll just stay away from tall men in business suits, lol.
